伊瑞斯第一次参加比赛即获得2008年上海亚宠幼犬全场总冠军BIS! 在幼年组龄即轻松完成CKU中国冠军登录,并获组别BIG3!
=============== * * * =============== 2008年9月上海亚洲宠物展 获得BABY组BIS 2009年4月CKU西北区全犬种冠军赛获得尖嘴组BIG3 2009年10月中国萨摩耶国家展A O M 2010年10月CKU萨摩耶国家单独展BISS =============== * * * ===============
Iris is our favorite girl. She won the Baby BIS in her first show and completed her championship of CKU (FCI)when she was still a puppy!
Iris was the AOM of the 1st Chinese Samoyed National Professional Specialty in 2009, and the BISS of the CKU(FCI) Samoyed National Specialty in 2010!